
As a community Pre-School, we are always keen for parental involvement/input in to our policies.  If you would like to contribute, or you would like a copy of the policies, please inform a member of staff.

Parent updates
We are excited for the year ahead, welcoming back children to our Community Centre setting as well as welcoming new families to our Whiteley Pre-School North setting within the grounds of Cornerstone C of E Primary School.

If you would like to register an interest in your child attending either Whiteley Pre-School or Whiteley Pre-School North, please contact us on the below link:

Term Dates 2023-2024
Autumn Term
Monday 4th September 2023 – Friday 15th December 2023
Half-term – Monday 23rd October 2023 – Friday 27th October 2023
Spring Term 
Monday 1st January 2024 – Bank Holiday
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 – Thursday 28th March 2024
Half-term – Monday 12th February 2024 – Friday 16th February 2024
Friday 29th March 2024 – Bank Holiday
Summer Term
Monday 15th April 2024 – Wednesday 17th July 2024
Bank Holiday – Monday 6th May 2024
Half term – Monday 27th May 2024 – Friday 31st May 2024

Please check back to this page regularly for updates, notices and important information.  We will also be featuring upcoming events, parent meetings and notices on the parents board by the entrance to the Pre-school.

For up to date notices to last minute cancellations and changes (snow procedures and closures) please check the Facebook group.


Autumn Term Dates

Monday 4th September 2023 – Friday 15th December 2023

Harvest Festival – starting 2nd October 2023

We will be collecting tins for the local food bank, any donations gratefully received.  There will be labelled boxes at drop off for any donations, thank you.

Half Term – Monday 23rd October 2023 – Friday 27th October 2023

Starting 1st November 2023

Chocolate Selection Box Collection – we will be collecting selection boxes for the local food bank at Christmas.  Labelled boxes will be at the doors at drop off/pick up for any donations, thank you

25th November 2023 3-5pm

The Whiteley Pre-School Christmas Fayre will be held in the Community Centre between 3-5pm on 25th November.  There will be stalls, games and activities for the children and Father Christmas! More details of the Fayre and how to book a visit to see Father Christmas to follow!  This is a great opportunity to support your Pre-School and raise money to support the children’s learning.

Christmas Sing-A-Long for Community Centre Families – Tuesday 12th December 2023 at 1:30pm.

Christmas Sing-A-Long for Whiteley North Families – Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 1:30pm.

Christmas Jumper Day – Friday 15th December 2023 – £1 charity donation please.

Last Day of Term – Friday 15th December 2023

Christmas Holiday – Monday 18th December 2023 – Friday 29th December 2023

Spring Term

Tuesday 2nd  January 2024 – Thursday 28th March 2024

Bank Holiday – Monday 1st January 2024

Half Term

Monday 12th February 2024 – Friday 16th February 2024

Half Term

Monday 12th February 2024 – Friday 16th February 2024

Mother’s Day Celebration – Community Centre Families – Wednesday 6th March 2024 1:30pm.

Mother’s Day Celebration – Whiteley North Families – Thursday 7th March 2024 1:30pm.

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2024

Last day of Term – Thursday 28th March 2024

Bank Holiday – Friday 29th March 2024

Easter Holiday – Monday 1st April 2024 – Friday 12th April 2024

Summer Term – Monday 15th April 2024 – Wednesday 17th July 2024

Bank Holiday – Monday 6th May 2024 – PRESCHOOL CLOSED

Half Term – Monday 27th May 2024 – Friday 31st May 2024

Father’s Day Celebration – Community Centre Families – Wednesday 12th June 2024 – 10am

Father’s Day Celebration – Whiteley North Families – Thursday 13th June 2024 1:30pm

Thursday 4th July 2024 – Whiteley Community Centre will be used as a Polling Station for the General Election and therefore Pre-School at Community Centre will be closed on 4th July.

Wednesday 17th July 2024 – Last day of term – all non-school leavers will need to be picked up at 12pm.  Graduation for school leavers starts at 1pm.


Facebook Group

We have a facebook group to keep our parents updated via social media notifications. This is a great way to keep our parents informed about upcoming events, lost property, advice and much more..

Whiteley Preschool Illustration