About Us
Inspired by many approaches, we have created our own ethos which reflects our passion for children’s learning. The preschool uses open-ended natural resources and encourages children’s independence and creativity through play. Children use real objects, such as china plates for a snack and real fruit and vegetables for role play. Our décor has a muted colour pallet and refrains from bright, fussy displays which can distract rather than inspire children.
Technology resources are limited and mostly adult-led, we are aware that most children have access to multiple forms of technology at home. Technology development is monitored by the Educators, working in partnership with parents, to ensure that the children are meeting the curriculum guidelines.
We are passionate about children’s creativity and allow messy play through exploration and investigation. Daily opportunities are provided for the children to explore their creative ideas.
The rhythm of the day provides a supportive structure for the children. Our free flow policy encourages the children to choose which activities they wish to engage in. We follow the children’s interests whether its music, storybooks, yoga, cooking or circle games; letting the children lead.
During free playtimes, the Educators support the children to achieve their individual learning goals and encourage, support and enhance their play experiences.
Children are encouraged to take part in focused adult led activities. During this time the Educators will run planned activities appealing to the children’s interests to support the children’s development.
Sessions and fees
We are a term time only setting open from 9am until 3pm and offer a breakfast club from 8.15am.
Our sessions are charged at £6 per hour.